Love, in all its fragile forms, is the one powerful, enduring force that brings real meaning to our everyday lives…but the love I mean is the fire that burns inside us all, the inner warmth that prevents our soul from freezing in the winters of despair. –Bradley Grieves
Calif. lawmakers: Cut the foul language, please
(240 words)
Why is it that we behave differently when grandma is watching than when we're on our own? Well, Californians had better start watching their mouths because the California legislature is imposing a strict clean air policy. That means no cussing even if your'e jogging alongside of vehicle emission pollutants.
The resolution: A statewide profanity-free week. A No Cussing Club mandated at all high schools. A teenager has found a link between foul-mouthed incivility and other forms of problem behavior, such as drug use and bullying. "Cussing is a hard habit to break, but anyone can do it." He recommended depositing money into a "cuss jar" for those who slip and use a foul word.
Violating human rights in the U.S. is a hard habit to break as well. Unfortunately, no one listens until cussing occurs. This author happens to see a link between natural disasters and stealing, robbing, murdering, torturing, and depriving good Jewish mothers of their children. Portantino and Cameron Smyth should tell Gov. Arnold Schwarezenegger and his fellow Assembly members: Man up today, and deposit this author's settlement check in her bank account(s) today!
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